Defendemos los derechos humanos.

Promovemos el respeto y la protección de los derechos de las poblaciones vulnerables.

Valoramos tu apoyo y confianza.


Comprometidos con los derechos humanos

Somos una organización 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro que trabaja para promover el respeto a los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional humanitario (DDHH y DIH), buscando protección para las poblaciones menos favorecidas y sus miembros. Para ello, la organización ofrece apoyo y seguimiento de todos los procesos en los que se le permite participar. La organización está comprometida a brindar educación, asistencia legal y apoyo psicosocial a las poblaciones afectadas.

A protest sign is held up against a cloudy sky. The sign reads '#Human Rights for Future' with 'Amnesty International' written below, advocating for human rights.
A protest sign is held up against a cloudy sky. The sign reads '#Human Rights for Future' with 'Amnesty International' written below, advocating for human rights.
Apoyo invaluable en momentos difíciles.

Wilson Gutierrez - CEO


Servicios de apoyo

Brindamos educación y concientizar. La organización está comprometida a brindar educación, a poblaciones vulnerables en defensa de sus derechos humanos. la organización ofrece apoyo y seguimiento de todos los procesos en los que se le permite participar.

Educación y capacitación
A group of people participate in a protest in front of a large, historic building with columns, possibly a government building. Many hold signs with various messages advocating human rights. A prominent sign in the foreground reads 'We Are All Humans' in both English and Spanish. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful demonstration.
A group of people participate in a protest in front of a large, historic building with columns, possibly a government building. Many hold signs with various messages advocating human rights. A prominent sign in the foreground reads 'We Are All Humans' in both English and Spanish. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful demonstration.

Ofrecemos talleres sobre derechos humanos y derecho internacional humanitario para empoderar a comunidades.

A group of people participating in a protest or rally, with a prominent sign in the foreground that reads 'Women's Rights Are Human Rights'. The background features tall buildings, suggesting an urban setting.
A group of people participating in a protest or rally, with a prominent sign in the foreground that reads 'Women's Rights Are Human Rights'. The background features tall buildings, suggesting an urban setting.
A protest with participants holding a sign advocating for transgender rights. The sign has bold lettering with the phrase 'TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS' prominently displayed. The letters are colored with a rainbow gradient, symbolizing inclusivity and pride.
A protest with participants holding a sign advocating for transgender rights. The sign has bold lettering with the phrase 'TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS' prominently displayed. The letters are colored with a rainbow gradient, symbolizing inclusivity and pride.
Asistencia legal

Proporcionamos apoyo legal a personas afectadas por violaciones de derechos humanos y conflictos.

Brindamos apoyo psicosocial a quienes enfrentan situaciones difíciles, promoviendo su bienestar emocional.

Apoyo psicosocial

Proyectos Sociales

Apoyamos a las comunidades vulnerables mediante educación y concientizacion mediante la colaboracion con el libro y el boton .

Three individuals wearing orange jumpsuits and black hoods stand in front of a large white building, likely a government structure. The central figure is raising their hands, which are shackled, and the shirt reads 'SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO'. The scene suggests a protest or demonstration with a focus on human rights or political issues.
Three individuals wearing orange jumpsuits and black hoods stand in front of a large white building, likely a government structure. The central figure is raising their hands, which are shackled, and the shirt reads 'SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO'. The scene suggests a protest or demonstration with a focus on human rights or political issues.
Impacto Directo!

Iniciativas enfocadas en la promoción de los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional humanitario, garantizando apoyo incondicional a quienes más lo necesitan.

Como Reclamar Dos (2) Libros Electrónicos Totalmente Gratis!

Simplemente suscríbase a nosotros en cualquiera de nuestras páginas web!

Nuestros sitios web:

Nuestro canal de YouTube:

Nuestros canales de redes sociales: Facebook@rescuesandvalues ​​TikTok@rescuesandvalues, LinkedIn@RescuesValues ​​etc.

¡Difunda el Conocimiento de los Derechos con Estos Dos (2) Libros Electronicos Gratis!

"La Constitución de los Estados Unidos y La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos" es un poderosa herramienta que te Ayudará.

Una organización invaluable que defiende los derechos humanos y apoya a las comunidades vulnerables con dedicación.

Wilson Gutierrez - CEO

Presidente y Director EjecutivoPresidente y Director Ejecutivo
A group of people hold a long black banner with various protest signs, including messages about political prisoners and human rights. The individuals appear to be participating in a peaceful demonstration near a body of water, with buildings visible in the background.
A group of people hold a long black banner with various protest signs, including messages about political prisoners and human rights. The individuals appear to be participating in a peaceful demonstration near a body of water, with buildings visible in the background.
